miércoles, 14 de diciembre de 2011


Essential guide for tourists visiting Peru created by Mincetur

ANDINA. The newly released 'Essential Guide for Tourists Visiting Peru', which is now available in Spanish and English, will be translated into Japanese, Portuguese and German, the Ministry of Foreign Trade and Tourism (Mincetur) announced. 

Peruvian Deputy Tourism Minister Claudia Cornejo presented the Spanish and English version of the guidebook, an informative tool containing useful procedures and requirements for tourists visiting the country.

She stated that the guidebook has been designed to facilitate and improve the stay of travelers who want to visit the main attractions of the Andean country.

"We have coordinated with different national institutions linked to the entry, stay and departure of people and goods from the country, thus, the guide includes all the procedures, forms and lists of goods permitted if one wishes to enter the country by sea, land or air," said the Mincetur official.