jueves, 31 de marzo de 2011

Oas Recognizes Peru's Gastronomy With Cultural Patrimony Of The Americas Award

ANDINA. The Organization of American States (OAS) recognized Peruvian gastronomy by bestowing it the first “Cultural Patrimony of the Americas” award in a special ceremony held in Washington as part of the launching of the Inter-American Year of Culture in the Americas.

OAS Secretary General Jose Miguel Insulza gave this important award to Foreign Trade and Tourism Minister Eduardo Ferreyros.

Peru is the first country in the region to receive such distinction, which has been created by the OAS in order to spread the cultural contribution of the Latin American countries to the world and strengthen their position in the international arena from a dynamic perspective in constant evolution.

Before this event, Vice Minister of Heritage and Cultural Industries in the Ministry of Culture of Peru talked on “The importance of cultural policies in the current national context: Peru’s Culture Ministry as development factor”.

The ceremony was held at the OAS headquarters in Washington D.C., and was attended by senior government officials from Peru and the U.S., as well as former American ambassadors in Lima, among other guests.