lunes, 9 de enero de 2012

Peru’s Pacaya Samiria National Reserve updates plan for tourist

The plan for tourist and recreational use of Pacaya Samiria National Reserve, in the Amazonian department of Loreto and which is considered the largest of Peru, was updated in order to plan and guide the development of sustainable tourism activities.

The National Service of Protected Natural Areas by the State (Sernanp) reported that said plan is part of the sectoral policies and guidelines such as the National Tourism Strategic Plan.

It added that the revision and update of the document was carried out through a participatory process in which different stakeholders involved with the natural area, such as specialists of Sernanp and the Management Committee of the Reserve, took part.

The national reserve of Pacaya Samiria is a priority for the National Tourism Strategic Plan, being also the sixth largest protected area with greater influx of visitors and revenues.

Such reserve is one of the largest protected areas in the country that has an area of more than 20,000 km² containing a rich eco diversity.

Fuente Andina

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